Produced by Jon Child

Transcript of Program 62, 1986


Some of Julie’s early work in channel in 1986 where Micciah discusses:
Language: “The way you use language both expresses and reinforces your beliefs in the solidity, in the density, and therefore in the unalterable reality of your experience.”
Maleness and femaleness: “It is one of the areas... you have nailed into boxes, very solidly… The split of it, the apparent differences, is one more way that you have an opposition by which you can, if you wish, penetrate through the apparent differences into the human and spiritual sameness. …Those beliefs are only there for you to see through them.”
Being married without being held and stuck: “Relationship is the basis of everything in the physical world and in other realms as well… What is important is what it means to you and what your intention in participating in this ritual is. A commitment to someone is a lively thing.”

   Micciah: We greet you all, dear friends.

   Julie:  We do greet you, indeed.  This is Micciah Channel, and I'm Julie Winter.  Micciah is an energy entity who works with me while I'm in trance, and while I'm in the trance state I have access to a point of view that seems to come from a non-physical realm.  This series of programs is drawn primarily from videotapes taken during my regular classes.  We want to expand our circle, and include your energy and interest in our work.

   What you are going to see is me, with my personality and intelligence, awareness, go into an altered state.  While I'm in that altered state, I join with other energies, or another energy, and produce the personality of Micciah.  And I have, in that state, an awareness that I don't ordinarily have.  And I'm going to respond to questions that my classes have asked me.

   Micciah:  We greet you all, dear friends.  We are here, most happy to be with all of you.  Now, the way that you use language both expresses and reinforces your beliefs in the solidity, in the density, and therefore in the unalterable reality of your experience.  Oh, you think this sounds complicated.  Don't go away!  [laughter]  "Oh, oh, this is going to be philosophical."  No, this is very practical.  The way you speak, the organization of your language, the very tone of your voice says over and over again, "The world is split between dark and light, between heaven and earth, between inner and outer, good and bad, male and female." And your language, uh, reinforces your world view and the oppressive quality with which you treat yourselves and others.  We don't say this to scold you but to pry open the possibility of, uh, life as a  Mobius strip.  You know what a Mobius strip is?  It is a piece of paper, a strip, or of anything, turned and joined in such a way that the inner and the outer are simply fluctuating aspects of the same curve.  In the holograph of life, the more you are literally aware of the transparency of the play of it, the less you are attached, the less you are frightened, the less you feel impelled to grab for things, to hold onto things, to protect your things with your life.  So, [pause] it would be most helpful for you all to be aware, mindful, of your speaking, of your language.  You say, "Well, what are we going to do?  Invent a new language?"  Well, [pause] you could.  You could. That is not so practical, but you can attempt to infuse your language with [pause] another world view.  [pause]  You speak to yourselves all the time, yes?  In your head, so to speak, to reinforce again the inner and the outer.  You could sing to yourselves. 
    So, ask your questions.  This will all come together

   Carol:  The first is to talk about the male and female aspects of an individual.

   Micciah:  We are right back with language.  [laughter] First of all, we would like to point out again that the minute you say "male" and "female," you all, each of you, start to spin with ideas and beliefs of "Oh, yes, male and female, yes."  But you will each mean somewhat different things by this.  What are the male and female?  This is going to be like John Cage's piece of Four Minutes and whatever it is Seconds, of silence. You really don't understand at all maleness or femaleness.  And it is one of the areas, along with money, which is your other question, one of the areas -- and death, which we'll not get into at the moment.  Enough is enough! [laughter] -- that you have nailed into boxes, very solidly.  When some of you were growing up in the 1950's  and the early '60's, everyone certainly knew what it meant to be a man or a woman.  And, uh, then that began to fray at the edges, mercifully, yes?  That began, at least with some people, to fall apart. Well maybe a woman could not be defined by her housekeeping or a man by his, uh, muscles or his business sense.  So clearly that was not the way.  That began to fall apart, and now it is starting to come together again in very much the same form.  A repressive backlash, you might say, that comes from fear.  From fear of the transparency, fear of the dance. If you are born into a life, if you choose a life in a female body, for sure it means, uh, your experience of the touch of your body is different, yes?  At the most basic level, past once you reach puberty.  At the most intrinsic level.  When you touch yourself, it feels different.  Yes?  You go in and out in different places.  Your face feels, uh, smoother or you can grow a beard.  Your musculature is somewhat different.  That's about what it means.  It has nothing to do with intuition.  It has to do with the possibility of physically bearing a child, since only one of the species does it in the way you have organized things.  That is a very definite kind of life experience. You might choose it and you might not, but it's a possibility.
    We will say this again, and it will probably make you angry.  Being male and female is…  the split of it, the apparent differences, is one more way that you have set yourself to have an opposition, apparently, by which you can, if you wish, penetrate through the apparent differences into the human and spiritual samenesses.  You could see it, or imagine it as the threads of the totality of your consciousness appearing in one body after another, finally, to stay in the time analogy, finally getting that it is one experience with different faces.  But you agree, and you agree differently in different cultures, to say "Ah, men are thus and so way, and women are another way."  And you teach yourselves and your children the solidity and the sanctity of those beliefs.  We say to you those beliefs are only there for you to see through them. 
      You mean very specific things when you say, "Ah, this is my masculine part," but it only refers to what you have already defined as masculine. It is one phase of spirit showing up with different possibilities.  So you are Carol, a human being in a woman's body, who has a certain feel and hide and texture and, uh, the possibility should you wish it perhaps of bearing a child, which would be a very distinct experience.  And you are in the world as a woman grappling with the beliefs of the mass trance that says you will do a certain thing because you are a woman, because you are a mother, because you are a man.  And, uh, it is all a wonderful play that you can dive through.
    Now, in other…  This is a unique time.  In other times there were terrible punishments for women who behaved as men.  You know, you could be stoned to death, you could be hung.  And for men also who behaved as women, in a cultural sense.  So… 
    You might pursue what your own body has to sing to you about of its structure.  That's as close as we can get.  You might also investigate for yourselves what you are calling the male parts and the female parts and why you call them that.  Why not the rose and the daffodil parts?  [laughter]  Or, uh, the green and the lavender parts.  You see, it is all a way of plucking at the stickiness of the cultural entrancement. 
    People get very violent about this subject, you know, very…  The beliefs, to go back to what we said earlier… This is important.  Beware when the beliefs are very solid.  "I will build my church upon this rock."  Rock seems to be quite solid.  Who said that?  Not Jesus.  Paul, yes?  Does someone know? 

   Woman:  Peter.  Jesus said that Peter was the rock on which he would build his temple.

   Micciah:  A rock is very solid indeed.  Or, in a world of appearances, a rock certainly represents solidity. When a belief is very solid, it becomes a "thing."  It becomes a "thing," and you will protect your things.  The body becomes a "thing."  You can treat the thing of a female body in a different way than the thing of a male body.  But you have much more to contend with.  It is all a system of probabilities and transparencies.
      Please go on.

   Woman:  Micciah, how in this culture, in our world, in my life, is it possible to tie the knot…

   Micciah:  Speaking of speaking…

   Woman:  Marriage.  Speaking of speaking.  Without getting fastened and held and stuck.

   Micciah:  You cannot tie a knot without getting fastened and held.  You cannot tie a knot without tying a knot.

   Woman:  Without it holding.  And getting stuck.

   Micciah:  But that is a knot.  We are teasing you.  But the very purpose of a knot is to fasten and to hold, yes?  There are many different elegant kinds of knots.  Psychological, psychic, spiritual, physical and otherwise.  You are talking about getting married, we assume.

   Woman:  Yes.

   Micciah:  So.  Certainly in light of this wonderful discussion we are having this morning, your choice of language is most revealing!  [laughter]  And it is commonly referred to as tying a knot. And wives were, not husbands, but wives were commonly referred to as one's ball and chain, I believe, to somewhat mix a metaphor, but you get the general idea.  So…  How can you be married…  You mean in the legal and social sense, yes?

   Woman:  Yes.

   Micciah:  Yes.  Without becoming stuck.  [pause]  So we are going to go back and do a little background.
    Relationship -- this is important.  Relationship.  Relationship is the basis of everything in the physical world and in other realms as well.  The relationship of your cells to each other.  The relationship of your beliefs to your being. The relationship you have to your creativity, to your finances, to your sense of your self, to other people.  There is all manner of mating that occurs amongst beings.  And you can have a divine mating between friends that is not sexual particularly.  Or, uh, between, amongst parents and children, teachers, what you call teachers, and students.  Then there is this very particular kind of mating about which you make an extraordinary fuss, imagining it to be the most important and the most divine, which it isn't necessarily.  But, uh, in all powerful relationships, the bond that is important is that of your own continued sharing of what seems to be the truth between you.  First with yourself and then with another person, whether it is going to be your husband, your wife, your lover, your child.  And you can, if you wish to, place it within the circle of what is called marriage, which again, like male and female, has very different meanings to different people although there will be a similar cultural thread.  What is important is what it means to you and what your intention in participating in this ritual is.  A commitment to someone is a very lively thing.  When you try to enforce a commitment, through its institutionalization, whether it is a commitment of husband to wife or parent to child, etcetera, etcetera - "We will make it an institution and the institution will enforce, will solidify, the commitment." - it doesn't happen.  You get the form without the blood, without the juice of liveliness.
    So you must reinvent marriage for yourself.  What is it you would like it to mean to you?  Why are you choosing to enact this ritual?  What is its purpose for you?  Culturally, it really has an economic purpose.  And, uh, a very punishing purpose in terms of its legal ramifications, for women.  Until quite recently, and perhaps it is still so, women who participated in this supposedly desirable ceremony became chattel to their husbands.  This is not so desirable.  And this was a belief you could certainly bump into.  Now you are in a position that is very interesting because you can evoke for yourself what you wish it to be.  Commitment is a lively state.  Commitment and longevity, as we have said before, are not the same.  No.  You can be very committed to something for what you would call a very short period of time, and then if your inner perception of the truth changes, you will shift your commitment.  But, uh, you can stay for a long time in a relationship that is, uh, enduring, that is enduring but not necessarily committed.  Do you understand the difference?  So we hope you won't tie any knots, although knots in their proper place, we suppose, can be useful.  But not in relationships.  [pause]  You need to know for yourself what is
your wish for a creation, whether the creation be a marriage or a painting, a child.  What is your wish?  You say, "Oh I will get married."  You fall into the trance of the language, the solidity, the density of the belief carried in the language.  What does it mean for you?  And you can be married to the same person and it can be different things at different times. Now it is one thing, now another.  Or one way, now another. 

   Julie: Is it over?  What we do in class after a Micciah session is talk the material through, agree and disagree, and we'd love you to do the same.

   Julie: “This channeling is meant to be a spiritual, emotional, intellec­tual, heartful, mindful journey that I share with another realm, that I share with my classes and that we all share with you. Please go over the material, evaluate it for yourself, and know what it is that you think about it.”