Produced by Jon Child

Transcript of Program 89, 1987

Some of Julie’s early work in channel from late 1987 where Micciah discusses:
Distinguishing between true success as a human being and success in the worldly, ego sense: Success as a person is “a sense that work is offered with love.” Success in the ego sense is “using your life energy towards the sale” of yourself and your talents. View Section
Maintaining integrity and effectiveness without compromising: This involves meditation, and right use of will. We need to be vulnerable and we need to be willing to seem foolish sometimes. View Section
Chemical/biological warfare: These are genuine threats to life on earth. Also, we are “enthralled and numbed” by the media’s negative excitement about this issue. View Section
Alleviating our role as oppressor: Look within. “How do you love that frightened and enraged part enough to coax it away from oppression?” View Section

   Micciah:  We greet you all, dear friends.

   Julie:  We do greet you, indeed.  This is Micciah Channel, and I’m Julie Winter.  Micciah is an energy entity who works with me while I’m in trance, and while I’m in the trance state I have access to a point of view that seems to come from a non-physical realm.  This series of programs is drawn primarily from videotapes taken during my regular classes.  We want to expand our circle, and include your energy and interest in our work.
   And I want to thank all of you who have been watching and who have written to me. What you are going to see is me, with my personality and intelligence, awareness, go into an altered state.  While I’m in that altered state, I join with other energies, or another energy, and produce the personality of Micciah.  And I have, in that state, an awareness that I don’t ordinarily have.  And I’m going to respond to questions that my classes have asked me.

   Micciah:  Please, we know you have many questions.

   Phil:  Micciah, in the problem of success, being successful, having to distinguish between real success and superficial, exterior success, how is one to tell the difference even within oneself between that which is done for real good, which is done for, out of a sense of service, and that which is merely ego building, careerism or going along with the tremendous pressures on us to be successful.  How is one to separate these things out and keep a perspective on one’s own goals and purposes?

   Micciah:  Yes.  Success.  It is possible now to be a success in the world in a way it was never possible before, worldwide, because of your communications, seen everywhere on the television, everywhere where there are televisions.  And that is many places.  So, you have, as we said before, a very extreme and intense situation where the lure to be larger than life, to be adored, is powerful. 
   We ask, what purpose does the success serve?  If one offers one’s work with love, playfulness, trepidation, heart-in-hand, so to speak, and it is observably nourishing to people, then all well and good.  The task for one’s self is like an inner sound or song emanating from the heart center, accessible through meditation.  It is a sense in all the cells of the body that this work is offered with love, that it is a pleasure to do it, sometimes arduous, sometimes scary, yet a pleasure.  In a deep way, in the tissue of your being, in the tissue of the emotional body and the thought body, when the work is organized around the idea of success as a sale, so to speak, then you go off purpose, and the sense of purpose becomes...(gesture with arms crossed), the wires cross and instead of going after the evolution of the work itself you start to use your life energy toward the sale.  And everything about the way you have set up your culture promotes and provokes this.  So you are an artist, yes?  You want to share your work obviously.  So you could put up your paintings and invite your friends and their friends, have a party, everyone would love the work.  Yet, you are taught that that is not enough.  You are taught that it is not enough, that that is somehow, particularly in this metropolis of New York, that is not enough.  That is demeaning and besides, how can you earn a living?  So, the pathway that you have open is the one where it is so easy to lose the life energy to the sale.  And that feels like a violation.
   What does worldly success mean?  What does it mean to you?  It presents many many challenges in its own right.  It is a good place to play hide and seek, yes?  It is possible for it to exemplify an enormous split between the person’s true sense of self and the at least momentary adoration of many people.  Success is truly a heavy burden.  It is most difficult to dance with it lightly, not take it too seriously.  And it is very difficult to be in a world where that worldly recognition is the stamp or the hallmark of being worthy and not succumb.  Talk about germ warfare, that is germ warfare.  It is a virus of the mind and the heart and it is no sin if you become involved in that.  And it does not feel good to use your life energies in the pursuit of success itself.  Do you understand?

   Phil: Yes.  Would you permit me to...

   Micciah:  Of course.

   Phil:  push a little further. 

   Micciah:  We would expect you to.

   Phil:  I don’t know how to take that. (laughter)

   Micciah:  It’s a compliment.

   Phil:  Yes.  We’ve been through this before (more laughter).  I identify very much with what you say on the level of integrity, dedication, maybe even the willingness to sacrifice success for that dedication, responsibility et cetera, et cetera, but I would like to know on a practical level to what extent that opposition is only seeming opposition.  If we don’t say "success", but say, perhaps, "being effective," to what extent taking your integrity out into the world and being effective, to what extent does that necessitate playing the game, selling out, wheeling and dealing, all that kind of stuff that compromises it.

   Micciah:  It does not necessitate it.  There are those who are successful in a worldly sense who do not compromise themselves.  Yes, as we say, it is one of the viruses of your group mind.  The lure of success, the group belief that, amongst certain circles, that is the hallmark of inner worth, which it never and never can be.  Never.  To catch the virus like the flu and begin to believe in your own mind and heart one must play the game.  One must have a little less integrity.  You don’t have to do that.  We will tell you very few things flat out.  You don’t have to do that.  And it may be that then the path to your worldly success is not greased.  You won’t slide in and it will not matter one whit in the expression of your incarnation.  You see, you have created it as an illusion to dance with.
   Success, success, oh it is so desired.  In other times it was not possible.  You were not going to be the king.  Well, some people plotted, but few, relatively speaking.  There were no elections.  People did not have campaigns toward which funds were delivered.  You live in a time which has created its own challenges and this is among them.

   Phil:  Do you have any advice as to how to be effective without compromising?

   Micciah:  Meditation, right use of will, right use of will.  Will is very important.  Generosity and also sometimes ruthless compassion.  You know sometimes the clarity of one’s purpose cuts through the skin of deceit in an emotional sense.  So, right use of will, compassion, integrity, and using the power of your creativity to its fullest...and you can be truly playful and have integrity in business.  You all have business, "Oh business.  As soon as art gets mixed up with business it’s a bad business."  That’s not so.  You can have great integrity in business.  It comes from you, and the willing to be vulnerable and a fool.  The danger of slipping into playing the game is often because you wish to protect yourself from being a fool, particularly in public.  So, what else?

   Phil:  Nothing from me, thank you very much (laughter).

   Sarah:  Increasingly, world leaders and news reporters mention chemical and/or biological warfare as a danger to mankind which perhaps surpasses nuclear war.  Is the threat of global chemical warfare real?

   Micciah:  Yes.

   Sarah:  Or are we being told of this danger to keep the possibility of annihilation hanging over us?

   Micciah:  Both.  We did say many years ago that there were organisms that were being evolved for the purpose of warfare:  chemical and biological.  And just like nuclear materials, these cannot be contained completely.  Yes?  Nuclear waste products, by-products leak all the time into the earth, into the air, all the time., and sometimes are huge evident accidents.  So, also some of the viruses that you experience are minor leaks.  Chemical warfare has already been used.  They are both dangerous, and there is not only the danger of the thing itself, there is also the danger of what you are going to do with it if you decide to stop the proceedings.  "Stop right there.  No more.  No more research, no more experimentation."  And where are you going to put it?  So, yes, it is, it keeps you in the thrall of danger, and feeling endangered is...is enthralling, because the part of the self that is personally afraid is hypnotized by the reports of danger.  This is what happens in the television very often, both hypnotized and numbed, enthralled and numbed.  Do we want to ask more about that, Sarah?

   Sarah:  I was noticing it in relationship to the Gorbachev/Reagan signing of the treaty which was presented as the beginning of the end of the threat of nuclear war.  And as soon as that happened, this other thing popped up...

   Micciah:  Popped to the surface, yes.

   Sarah:  And, so, it was confusing to me how much it was a government sponsored purposeful sort of activity...

   Micciah:  Well, it is not exactly, it’s not purposeful.  It is more that as you address the need for peace and the signing of this treaty in consciousness is a big movement and it is a result indeed of this shift in consciousness of which we speak,  this speeding up.  You may say, "Well, it is a very small concession."  Yes.  And it is a move, and as the movement happens, as there is a jiggling, there is an uprush of fear from another quarter saying, "But this is still a danger, but this is still a danger." So we’re going to take care of that, of the nuclear, but they’re rattling the bones, not in a conscious prepared way, more as a reaction.
   If you can make it known how much all of the people in every land want peace, if you can start to make it known now, if you can sing in your group at the end, peace... say the word...peace, peace, peace on earth, peace on earth...make it known everywhere, every moment that you remember.  It will have a huge impact, because this is a very fertile time.  Please go on.

   Ann:  You’ve really addressed my original question, and I’m formulating a more specific situation that relates to my life, but relates to a lot of what’s been talked about tonight.  It relates to success.  It relates to the world situation.  In my work I relate to several native American tribes and I find myself at an impasse of trying to do deal...success in this situation is breaking the pattern of oppression and poverty.

   Micciah:  Yes.

   Ann:  And lack of education and cultural deprivation and on and on....  I would just like to hear your thoughts on...you know.  I find myself falling into the patterns of the white oppressor.  And, I’m like at a road block.  If you can have any words of advice in these situations...and it really relates to the global situation in which our country finds itself.

   Micciah:  How do you experience yourself?  This is a question for everyone about the oppressor, whether you are the white oppressor in relationship to the people who are indigenous to this continent, whether you are the male oppressor or the female oppressor, the bad mother, the tyrant father or the inner oppressor; this relates to all of you.  So, Anne, how do you experience yourself as the oppressor? In what function?

   Ann:  Well, in a specific instance where the people experience their power by, as I see it, in fighting, taking control of a building and basically leaving themselves in the cycle.  And...you know... and what I find myself wanting to do is to say, "No.  You’re not going to do that.  And we’re going to proceed and form an organization which will allow funding to come in to provide education, to provide health care.  We’re not going to let you stay in control of the building, because there won’t be any funding.  There won’t be any health care."

   Micciah:  Yes.  They are working against their own purpose.

   Ann:  That’s what it feels like.

   Micciah:  Yes.  They are working against their own purpose, yet sometimes it is a necessary initial expression of the power of the self.  It is a first step even though it is against the greater purpose.  Violence will breed violence.  Period.  The end.  However, in order to coax people away from violence, you have to play a tune that they can hear.  You have to have a vision that they can grab onto so strongly that it lifts them out of the initial impetus toward violence, because there is obviously much rage, much rage, and its first expression is to mirror what has been done to you.  You will want to do to the next person.  That is the way.

   Ann:  Exactly.

   Micciah:  So, not only in your situation, but in your individual situations and in the relationship of the self to the self where there is also the violence of the oppressor within the self.  How do you love that frightened and enraged part enough to coax it away from oppression?  In your situation you are caught, because you are not free to create an intervention that would work...we don’t think...in your literal situation.  It seems that you don’t act as an independent agent.

   Ann:  No doubt about that.

   Micciah:  So, there are ways of doing this and Milton Erickson, who was a masterful strategist.... 
   You might wish to read Erickson’s work.  He was a psychiatrist and hypnotist and amazing in his ability to open the prison of a structure by giving the person an opportunity to use their own resources in a new way, and he did this by entering their world.  You are not free to do that.
   To heal the oppressor you must first enter the world of the oppressor, not oppose.  Opposing won’t heal it.  It creates friction and violence and more oppression.
   We can only answer you that in a general way, in a general way, whether it is with your own inner oppressor, that sadistic inner voice that harangues you, or in a relationship where there is oppression, you have to enter the world of the little demon, of the demon which is the oppressor, which is energy that has distorted itself so it looks very nasty, and is frequently quite dangerous in the physical world, in the emotional world.  Enter into the world of the oppressor.  Go to the underworld.  Journey, as the shamans say, into the underworld and you will find the keys that help the distorted energies realign themselves into a life affirming form.  Is this too vague?

   Ann: No, not for me.

   Julie:  That’s the end of this particular segment...  of this particular adventure.  And this channeling is meant to be a spiritual, emotional, intellectual, heartful, mindful journey that I share with another realm, that I share with my classes and that we all share with you.
   Please go over the material, evaluate it for yourself, and know what it is that you think about it.  So long.

   Julie: “This channeling is meant to be a spiritual, emotional, intellec­tual, heartful, mindful journey that I share with another realm, that I share with my classes and that we all share with you. Please go over the material, evaluate it for yourself, and know what it is that you think about it.”