Some of Julie’s early work in channel from 1990 and 1987 where Micciah discusses:
• Changing an old, harmful belief: Don’t try to get rid of it.Entertain it; discover the feelings that gave rise to it. To install a new belief: don’t simply swap negative for positive.Thoroughly question its purpose and integrity; incorporate it by speaking it, by using symbols, by acts of faith that embody it. View Section
• Allergies: On a physical level, many allergies come from an imbalance in the ecosystem created by nuclear testing.We also give vitality to the idea of allergies and “make” them real by paying excessive attention to them and obsessing about them. It is wise to strengthen the weakened physical body and work with the emotions that often cause allergies.Bless your food. View Section
Micciah: We greet you all, dear friends.
Julie: My Name is Julie Winter, and this program is called Micciah Channel.
And what you are going to see is me, going into an altered state of consciousness, a non‑ordinary state of awareness. And what I believe happens when I am in that state is that I enter an expanded geography of the self, and that there is an overlap between what I know (my intelligence, my awareness, my experience) and something that is larger than my ordinary awareness. It may indeed be that it is all part of my awareness and that would be fine. What’s produced is a personality that is a product of this overlapping and the personality is called Micciah. My voice is going to change and it is my own voice. The variations in speech have to do with my being in an altered state.
The program is created from my classes. My students bring questions in. We encourage you to do the same. And use your discernment in evaluating the information that comes through.
The program that you are about to see is made up of a number of different class sessions.
Constanza: When we identify a belief that we have (and we may have had for a long time) that’s not supporting us in some way, are there certain steps we can take to sort of transcend it or move through it?
Micciah: If you identify a belief that is not, ah — nurturing, how do you change it — is that what you’re asking?
Constanza: Yes.
[Loud hum of municipal machinery outside.]
Micciah: We have a New-York-City OM —
— echoing in the window.
[Pause.] Well, the first thing to do, according to what we mentioned earlier, is to honor it. You see, you fall into a trap. Particularly being Americans, being Westerners, you fall into a trap — which is that when you find something you do not like, you want to — Do-something-about-it! You want to — pour a little emotional weed-killer on it —
— or get rid of it in some way. Fix it, send it to the spa! Change it; build its muscles and make it healthy.
So the first — perhaps the first thing to do is not to do anything. When you discover a particular belief — a core belief — inspect it. Smell it, listen to what it has to say, give it some tea, be still with it. So you enter, first, into perceiving and non-doing. Non-doing in the sense of: you’re not grabbing after it, trying to — get-RID-of-it: “Ah, now I’ve found you, you SCOUNDREL! Out!”
And if you are willing to, um — play, to be contemplative about it and with it, you will find that certain feelings start to make themselves known, connected to it. A belief that has any power in your life is one that will be connected to feeling. Feelings — more than one. And you want to discover the feelings associated with the belief, because that is what gives it its potency.
First you have feelings, and then the beliefs come to explain the feelings. No one begins their belief system from the starting point of the rational and the abstract. It doesn’t happen that way.
So you discover, by contemplating the belief — entertaining it — its heartbeat, its pulse, its feeling-tone.
[Pause.] And then what?
You can create — you CAN create — another belief, and begin to work with it, to feed it to yourself, to test whether it is nurturing — to find the feelings associated with it, to draw it, to dream it.
We suggest that when you find new beliefs that you check them for their qualities of compassion and mercy and praise. Is it a belief of praising life? Is it a belief of blessing life? Is it a belief that serves not only you but potentially others? Is it a belief that arises out of wholeness?
One of the places that, um — affirmations (positive against negative!) get into trouble is that they are grounded, or founded, within a system that is more or less self-serving and comes from greed (which is really fear) ... hah. The belief — the new belief, the affirming, quote “positive” belief — sounds good initially, but if you explore it more you discover it is — it is not really a new belief, it is an antidote to an old belief. Do you see — it is positive opposing negative; and then all you have is more — dance. So you have a test for beliefs. And this takes a certain degree of integrity, and also the willingness to observe where you are needy or greedy, or whatever, without going into blame and shame. To observe. To have a compassionate observer.
Beliefs, when they meet these — mm — specifications, can be incorporated through sound, through speaking them; through using symbols that remind you of them; and through acts of faith that embody them.
Is this too mysterious?
Constanza: No.
Micciah: The, ah — words you use are a vehicle through which your deep inner symbolism is imprinted. Language is not an accident. So, when you move into healing of your beliefs, whether it is through, ah — meditation and the healing that occurs therein, and/or the process of working consciously (there are different kinds of approaches; they are all — they can all be done together). But — your speaking is crucial.
It is true that words and phrases can be intoned somewhat meaninglessly. But when you work with beliefs, Spirit lives in the speaking of her children.
So — when you wish to change a belief — you wish to be prosperous, yes? A good American belief: everyone wishes to be prosperous. Well, why? To what purpose do you wish to be prosperous? What will it serve? You see, you begin to delve into it. Are you able to be accountable for your prosperity acting in accord with Spirit? Do you wish to be prosperous so you have a BIG bank account that you can sit on, and make more? And probably part of you does want that; that part needs to be addressed, lovingly. You can’t skip over it, or say — “Oh no, no, no, that’s a bad part — tch tch tch — I don’t have that part”; or, “I have that part! The opposite! I have that part — ah, ah, ah! I am such a bad person, ah, ah, ah, ah!” “I have that part. Well —?” All right, you do have that part.
To what purpose is your belief, is your desire to believe in prosperity? How will you use it? Are you asking to be prosperous ... why do you want to manifest money particularly, if that is your desire? (We are not against manifesting money.) You must ask yourselves. “Well, to what purpose — to what purpose do I wish this?” You will discover very interesting things! If you wish to work with the system of your body: “To what purpose do I wish to be healthy? Well,” you say, “obviously that’s a stupid question! Of course I wish to be healthy.” But you may discover, in asking, that, ah — your ill health serves a purpose that you were not aware of until you wished to transform it: “This is a punishment; it is a manifestation of shame; it is the desire not to expand too much; it is —” it could be a thousand things.
Do you understand what we are getting at? When you are changing your beliefs, you must explore the qualities of your new believing. Otherwise you will just trade in one for another; you will be rich in the same spirit that you were poor. To use money itself as an example, the only difference will be how much is in your bank account.
Mary Anne: I’d like to ask about allergies. What is our relationship, mankind’s relationship to the environment somehow mirroring within our bodies, or is there a relationship or an analogy between the ecosystem of the world and the ecosystem that goes on within our bodies that manifests as allergies, and what can we do about them?
Micciah: Alright. Allergies are a very popular topic in a world full of scratching, itching, spots, clogged sinuses and runny noses. There have always been allergies. There just has been...they weren’t called that. Now there is to some extent, to some extent, the more you think about something and pay attention to it and write about it and develop theories about it and pills to take against it and vitamins to take for it and diets to cleanse around it, the more you do that, the more the entity or the allergy takes on a sort of delightful life of its own and then it has a stake in its reality. We are joking, yet this is also true and the more people talk about allergic reactions and address life in that context, more vitality is given to it.
Allergies are very different responses in different people. Essentially it is a physiological response to a seemingly harmless substance. The body has the reaction of trying to...treating the substance as if it were poison.
There are a lot of dimensions to this question, Mary Anne. On the most practical level, there is great pollution in the air and many foods are adulterated. The balance of the popular current illness of yeast infections has to do with an imbalance that started when there were the start of nuclear explosions above and below ground that knocked the preexisting ecosystem out of alignment in the same way that the rivers and streams and oceans are out of alignment, because of the way you’ve treated them. So, then the ecosystem of the body -- you are just part of the earth -- is also out of alignment, and the little yeasts and bacteria and fungi and the little organisms that live in your eyelashes and everything sort of gets like the yuck in a pond. So there is an upsurge at a practical level from these disturbances.
Now we are going to take a jump. If you feel you have an allergy, if you wish to treat it originally by dispensing with the food, alright. Ultimately, it is wiser to strengthen both the physical body, the immune system, the emotional body, because many allergic sensitivities come through the responses of the emotional body to a very, as we said a roller coaster, pressing environment. Yes? So the emotional body has an impact on the immune system which then results in apparent allergy to food or a spray or whatever.
Some things that are called allergies are perfectly healthy reactions. If you spray hydrocarbons at someone hopefully their body won’t like it. You know in a, if you spray a chemical in the air and your nasal passages swell, then you say, “I’m allergic to that.” You are having a perfectly healthy response to that. That’s a toxin.
The strengthening of the emotional body, the heart center, the thymus, the possibility of playing in the divine and blessing your food and eating substances that are divine no matter what their physical nature is, is another possibility. That’s the most extreme possibility and we recommend it as a practice, but not a false position. “I’m blessing my food.” If you know you are allergic to chocolate, don’t eat it, unless you can work out another relationship with chocolate, which you might be able to do.
At still another level, food, you know, has intelligence. It has a vibratory rate. It has an auric color. And as we have said before, consuming food which has true aliveness and hearing the inner tone of food...the tone of brown rice is different from the tone of papaya...and starting to match those with the interior needs and the sense of the foods’ aliveness and healing powers and balancing powers will allow you to experiment as an individual and help you go away from rigid rules and theories: “Only eat this and this, that and that.” Foods and herbs and the clay of the earth and so forth have dynamic properties. It is better not to eat food that has poison in it. If you are allergic to poison, this is not very surprising. If you...many people cannot afford, you see we get to economics, cannot afford the very expensive foods that are not processed, not poisoned. So then what? Scrub your food and, truly, see if you can charge it with your own energy and bless it. If you look at a piece of cheese and think, “I’m allergic, I’m allergic, I’m allergic, mucous, mucous, mucous, mucous, mucous...” What do you think is going to happen? If your body has any sense you have just told it what to do.
Also, allergies come and go or what we are calling allergic responses, exclusive of your reaction to poison which is a healthy response. You can be allergic to something on Monday and not on Thursday, because your chemistry changes, your feeling states change. So to work with one s self as an intelligence and a representation of miraculous forces, whether you are feeding yourself a fat brownie or praying, you can always be in the space of that being born and dying consciousness. Not always. You can remember it, evoke it, and then your relationship to everything including food changes.
So, we will leave you now. We thank you all very much for your work. Many entities sit here with you even though they are not eating from the physical fruit plate.
We bless you and love you and we bid you a good day.
Julie: That’s the end of this particular segment... of this particular adventure. And this channeling is meant to be a spiritual, emotional, intellectual, heartful, mindful journey that I share with another realm, that I share with my classes and that we all share with you.
Please go over the material, evaluate it for yourself, and know what it is that you think about it. So long.
Julie: “This channeling is meant to be a spiritual, emotional, intellectual, heartful, mindful journey that I share with another realm, that I share with my classes and that we all share with you. Please go over the material, evaluate it for yourself, and know what it is that you think about it.”