Micciah Channel, Julie Winter. Program 124

Some of Julie’s early work in channel from 1987 and 1989 where Micciah discusses:
How we form reality: Whether aware of it or not, we are always simultaneously sending and receiving. Our core beliefs determine how we attune, which threads we “pluck” from the “matrix of paradoxical occurrences” to form our reality with. View Section
Being vulnerable in a city like New York: “It is a different life challenge. You are trying in your time to bring together the risk, the gentleness, the clarity.... and the compassion.... of spirit with ordinary life in the marketplace.” View Section
The future of New York: This city is “a volcano.” Its temperament as a place-entity is volatile, changeable. It expresses fear on behalf of other parts of the country; will respond quickly to love and healing. Most urgent: take care of the people. View Section
“Something about bliss”: “When you are alert to your soul’s purpose ... you are following your bliss.” View Section

Julie's book is available at:
Ministry of MaƄt (publisher)
Barnes & Noble
Apple Books

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and wholesalers across North America.