Micciah Channel, Julie Winter. Program 141

Some of Julie’s early work in channel from 1990 where Micciah discusses:
Spiritual surrender — creative “drawing in and letting out” of Spirit’s total healing power. To focus on a wounded area and demand that it “Heal!” works much less well. View Section
Eastern versus Western views on desire and on manifesting goals: Attachment is mobile and imprisoning; one can be attached to nonattachment. One’s deep purpose is “wholly complete and always unfolding.” Be mindful of attachment; match goals with purpose, and they can be realized in many different ways. View Section
Unconditionally responsive God (“the Law”) versus personal God: The Law is not Spirit but the mechanics by which Spirit works. Spirit’s caring: “an absolute enveloping.” Metaphysical model misses the “rambunctious magnificence of Spirit.” View Section
To communicate about shared responsibility for homelessness: Be “transparent to opposition”; have “courage to speak about love,” which is nurtured by taking time to enter the stillness. View Section

Julie's book is available at:
Ministry of Maåt (publisher)
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